
Reprint der Erstausgabe von Bisel Classics durch den Verlag

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© 2022 Bisel Classics

Übersetzung: Martina Mathur / Christoph Bisel
Umschlaggestaltung: Adrian Gut
Bild: © murat ufuk güler –

Herstellung und Verlag: BoD – Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt

ISBN: 978-3-7543-8929-4



Reflecting upon the biography of Charles Auguste de Bériot the most striking details that catches the eye are the calamities the artist suffered throughout his life. He lost his father and mother at the tender age of nine and had to overcome the tragic death of his beloved, the singer Maria Malibran, only a short time after they got married. No small wonder then, that he was praised by biographers such as the American writer Henry Charles Lahee (1856-1953) because of his strength of character and strong principles.