Suzann Dodd

The Boss From Hell

How to Survive and How to Escape

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80331 Munich



Whether you are a professional or a member of the custodial staff, being subjected to the whims of a psychopath are more than possible when he’s the Boss.


Whether you are working for the money and have no choice, whether you think you are part of a higher purpose and feel ‘morally bound’; when your Boss is a psychopath, your only protection is to recognise it, and deal with it.


The most vital first step is to separate yourself from the work. That is the survival trait you must develop. It is very difficult, for all your life you have been taught to Take Pride in your work. The word ‘your’ is significant, because although this is your life, is NOT your work.


The work belongs to the Boss From Hell.


Tell yourself that the work is not important. That You are important. That the work is NOT Your Work, it is the work of the Boss From Hell.


This is going to be the Mount Everest you must climb, especially if your Boss holds himself out as some ‘Great Man’, whom the public thinks is a humanitarian, a liberator, a saint.


Understand that his purpose is oppressing you, that is the job you were hired to perform.


Those who present themselves as a ‘Great Man’ are the worst form of psychopath. He is uses this 'legend' to attract unsuspecting innocent people to his ‘business’.


His business is self-aggrandisement, and if that requires him holding a dead and bleeding body in his arms for the media to promulgate, that is what he will do.


He will deceive and exploit the public as he does his employees. He is not performing any laudable function. He is only using his perch on the backs of others to gain fame.


Understand that many of these ‘Great Men’, wind up in prison and will carry you with them if you don’t escape.


Many ‘leaders’ in the struggle of ‘oppressed’ people are mercenaries. They find a 'cause’ which they use to gather fame.   It is the fame they want, they don't care about anyone but themselves, for many are psychopaths.


Those who work for these 'Great Men' have a bit more difficulty in appreciating that they are employed by a psychopath.  


A Boss From Hell is a psychopath. Especially when he plays 'The Great Man.'


Tell yourself this as often as you can to build an armour and allow you to escape with little of your integrity compromised, your name untainted, and your abilities intact.


And you may ask: What is a Psychopath?